Friday, April 15, 2011

Persuasive Essay

Group Projects
Persuasive Essay

All ninth graders at Grosse Pointe South High School have the task of learning the play Romeo and Juliet. The extremely famous play, written by William Shakespeare, can be taught different ways varying on the teacher’s preference. Some people think that group projects are good ways to learn. Some people think that traditional classroom learning is the best way to learn. Both learning strategies have value in the classroom. However group projects are better because they are more involved, they require collaboration, they teach organization, they provide experience in technology and they are much more memorable. Group projects, like the Epic Romeo and Juliet, are the best way of learning.
Group projects require team members to interact with each other to convey ideas in a group setting. When working in groups and making group decisions everyone is involved.  Everyone in the designated group has a hands-on job that requires knowledge and understanding of the play. To understand the play fully, each student must read the material so they can participate in the group activities and earn a satisfying grade in the class. Each student receives a grade once they prove that they can analyze and understand the play in their weekly responses to the posted discussion questions online. Students are absolutely unable to do their job without complete understanding of the play. Therefore, you must be able to know and fully understand the play to participate in group project. When there is a lot to be accomplished and done, students must learn to organize them in a proficient manner.

Another huge part of working in a group is being organized. When good organization is present in a project, it enables the project to run smoothly and calmly. Also, organization allows people to be more successful and also more productive at their work.  While working in a group students learn that when everything is organized and well prepared it is a lot less stressful, more relaxing and everything can be done in a timely manner. When a student is organized, it increases the quality of the completed product. A great way to organize and share ideas is the large quantity of websites and technology that is available to students in the Epic Romeo and Juliet project.
In the future, proficiency in technology will be a must for adults in the career field. Students can be prepared for the business world by becoming superior at using new social media websites and other websites on the computer. Some websites being used by students are,, Skype, and Wiki Spaces. Almost all of these websites are currently or going to be used in the near future by almost every type of business. By using these tools to share ideas and organize the project, students are being prepared for their future jobs and careers. Students are creating social media pages, students are also creating memories.
                Most adults do not look back on their high school years and remember any tests or quizzes they have taken. However, most adults can tell you about the group project they did. Most will tell you about a volcano they made for science class the night before the due date, or the time they stayed up their whole night with their best friend working on a poster board for History class. Group projects create memories. Also, students have a chance to work closely with someone they may not know, and develop a great friendship. Group projects require a student to talk to someone they may not have talked to before. High school is more than just test and quizzes, it’s about making memories. And making memories with other students require a great project, and a great project requires collaboration.
Collaboration is an important element of all group projects, including the Epic Romeo and Juliet project. Collaboration between all people results in an excellent final outcome. Group collaboration is an excellent way to prepare for the future. When in the actual career field, adults will have to use the collaboration skills learned in previous schooling as adolescents to help them with their work related tasks. Delegating is a vital role in successful group operations. Without learning the task of delegation, students have an enormous absence of necessary career tools. In addition, when students exchange their thoughts with their peers, it promotes the sharing of ideas.
Many people dispute whether group projects or traditional classroom learning is the best way to learn. Group projects are the best way to learn. In group projects students are more involved, they learn organization, students prepare for the future by using technology, group members make memories, and students learn to collaborate to share their ideas. The best way of learning is group projects, like the Epic Romeo and Juliet project.           

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